Ich glaube, dass echt alles von der Liste der Wahrheit entspricht, auch wenns noch so d+komisch und durchgeknallt klingt, aber Ecuador ist halt einfach so, ich hoffe ihr habt Spaß die Liste zu lesen, auch wenn sie auf Englisch ist, wer kann Englisch kann hat entweder Pech gehabt, oder er nutzt die wunderbare Magie des Google Übersetzers!!
You know you´re in Ecuador, when...
...when your taxi driver asks you if he can pick up his girlfriend on the way, and he actually stopps in front of a stipper club.
...when crossing the street is like running for your life.
...when you see a car with more people on the car than inside.
...when leaving in 10 minutes actually mean "do what you want, you have 2 hours till we leave".
...when a normal 16 years-old relationship is mostly expected to end in marriage.
...when you have blond hair and blue eyes, a "gringo-tax" is added to every price you have to pay.
...when you rountinely hop on and off moving buses Little Miss Sunshine-style
...when you are pretty sure you eat more rice than the entire asian population
...when you have to haggle bus conductors for the student rate
...when all of your querks and oddities are forgiven because you're foreign and doubly so if you're American.
...when the world is your garbage can.
...when people borrow money without embarrassment.
...when shorts are normal attire to wear to church.
...when your school bus is actually a van.
...when teachers regularly buy things from their students, despite its illegality.
...when the people brag about having the best coffee in the world, yet everyone buys instant coffee from columbia.
...when your school buses' maximum occupacy is said to be 16 people, but really there are 23.
...when donkeys walk on the side of the rode and horses can be seen on highways.
...when mosquitoes eat your legs.
...when you see a guy get hit in the face with a bottle of pee at a football/ soccer (your choice) game.
...when you have a conveniently placed mango tree in your yard, as well as the fresh smell of weed from the pot plants in your garden.
...when a white christmas never happens.
...when the girls take a picture where they have strategically bent down with their hands on their knees for their opinion of maximum cuteness, and then upon seeing the photo tell you that they want you to delete it.
...when the guys ask to borrow your hand mirror.
...when every guy can pick up a guitar and knows how to play a few songs.
...when you hate dogs.
...when all of your pending friend requests are random brown people you've never met.
...when you can buy the whole first season of Scrubs and the last two Harry Potter moovies for less than $10.
...when you play drinking games with your parents at a family dinner.
...when you can be dying from heat, get sun burn, get soaked in a rain storm, catch a cold, and bundle up in a jacket all in one day.
...when law enforcement means absolutely nothing.
...when the title of "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" means nothing.
...when your parents take you to a sex shop so they can do some shopping.
...when a $1.50 gets you a full course meal.
...when your family owns their cars for years and the seatbelt are still in their original packaging.
...when you have the time of your life.
Hauptsache alles ist Banane;)
Hey Bananen-Bro ;D War immer noch alles meine Idee für meinen Blog :P http://gringisimo.tumblr.com/
AntwortenLöschenNebenbei, geile Geschichten was du da schreibst hahaha